New Login Experience

The log-in and account sign-up process has been completely rebuilt.
Login page with social accounts

The log-in and account sign-up process has been completely rebuilt to give our members a smoother experience. This update is part of a larger authentication upgrade, improving both log-ins and the return experience after a period of inactivity.

Fresh Look

The first thing you’ll notice is a fresh and clean log-in page.
We’ve also simplified the sign-up process:

  • Now, you only need to enter your name when creating a new account.

New Account Features

We’ve introduced some much-requested account-related features:

  1. Change your primary email address
    Note: This option is only available if you originally signed up with email.
  2. Link social accounts for added convenience.

These features can be accessed via the redesigned Account Settings page.

We’re excited to deliver a more seamless log-in experience!
Thank you for your continued support and feedback.

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